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Gebiet: en.law

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530 Einträge

-  account of profits
-  bad debt reserve
-  comparative law
-  abandoned child
-  abandonment
-  abduction
-  abeyance
-  ability to stand trial
-  abolish
-  abortion
-  abscond
-  absolute discharge
-  acknowledgement of indebtedness
-  action
-  action by stages
-  actual damages
-  adjourn
-  administrative law
-  admissible evidence
-  adversary/adverse party
-  adverse possession
-  advisory opinion
-  affidavit
-  angency
-  agent
-  aid and abet
-  aleatory contract
-  alienation
-  aliunde rule
-  ambassador
-  amendment
-  American Bar Association (A.B.A.)
-  amicus curiae
-  application for variation of an order
-  appropriate
-  arrest warrant
-  artistic freedom
-  assert
-  asset
-  assignee
-  assignment
-  assumpsit
-  bad check
-  bad debt
-  bad faith
-  badges of fraud
-  bail
-  bailee
-  bailiff
-  bailment
-  bailor
-  bait and switch
-  balance due
-  bankruptcy
-  bar
-  bargain
-  barrister/solicitor
-  bias
-  bias crime
-  blackmail/blackmailing
-  Black´s law dictionary
-  breach of the peace
-  broker
-  burden of proof
-  cadaver
-  case law
-  caucus
-  cause of action
-  caveat
-  chancellor
-  chattel
-  check
-  child support
-  circumstantial evidence
-  citizen
-  civil action
-  civil disobedience
-  civil rights
-  claim
-  class action
-  collateral
-  collection
-  collective bargaining
-  color of law
-  common law
-  compel
-  competent
-  compulsory joinder
-  condemn
-  condition
-  condition precedent
-  consequential damages
-  consideration
-  conspiracy
-  conspirator
-  constitutional law
-  consumer protection
-  contigent
-  contract
-  conversion
-  convey/conveyance
-  convict/conviction
-  cooperative association
-  corporation (corp.)
-  counterclaim
-  court
-  court of protection
-  covenant
-  creative accounting
-  criminal negligence
-  cronyism
-  cross examination
-  culprit
-  custody
-  daily
-  damage
-  damages
-  damnum absque injuria
-  dangerous instrumentality
-  dangerous weapon
-  death penalty
-  deed (of cession)
-  defamation
-  defendant
-  depreciation
-  deprivation
-  detainer
-  detention
-  disbar
-  discharge
-  dispose
-  district attorney
-  disturbance of the peace
-  divorce
-  doctor`s degree
-  donee
-  double jeopardy
-  dowry
-  drawee
-  drugs
-  dual citizenship
-  due care
-  due diligence
-  duly
-  earnest
-  easement
-  eavesdropping
-  Earnings before interest and tax (ebit)
-  ejectment
-  ejusdem generis
-  election
-  employee
-  employer
-  employer's liability acts
-  employment
-  endorsement
-  equitable
-  esquire (esq.)
-  estate
-  estoppel
-  et seq.
-  extortion
-  eyewitness
-  face amount
-  face value
-  facilitation
-  facinus quos inquinant aequat
-  fact
-  fact finder
-  facto/de facto
-  factor
-  fair trial
-  fee simple absolute
-  fee simple conditional
-  fellow servant rule
-  felony
-  fence
-  ferae naturae
-  feudalism
-  fiat justicia
-  fiduciary
-  fieri facias
-  fifth amendment
-  file number
-  fingerprint
-  foreclosure
-  forensic
-  foreseeability
-  gag order
-  gain
-  gainful employment
-  gamble
-  gambling
-  game law
-  garnishee
-  garnishment
-  general average
-  good faith
-  grace period
-  grand coalition
-  grantee
-  grantor
-  gross negligence
-  guardian/guardianship deputy/deputyship
-  guest statute
-  guilty
-  gun control law
-  habeas corpus
-  habendum
-  habitability
-  habitual offender
-  halfway house
-  hallucinogens
-  hanged, drawn and quartered
-  harassment
-  hard case
-  hardship/hardship exemption
-  head of household
-  hearing
-  heirs
-  hijacking
-  hit and run statutes
-  hobby loss
-  homicide
-  impeach/impeachment
-  in absentia
-  inalienable
-  inalienable Rights
-  in camera/in chambers
-  incest
-  inchoate offense
-  income tax
-  indemnify
-  indemnity
-  indicia
-  indictment
-  indorsee
-  indorsement
-  indulgence
-  inference
-  ingress and egress
-  in haec verba
-  inherit
-  initialling
-  injunction
-  injury
-  insider
-  insolvency
-  installment
-  insurance
-  insured
-  intent
-  inter alia
-  interest
-  interrogation
-  in ventre sa mere
-  investiture
-  jail
-  jailhouse lawyer
-  Jane Doe
-  Juris Doctor (J. D.)
-  jeopardy
-  jobber
-  John Doe
-  joint (...)
-  joint and several
-  joint enterprise
-  joint tortfeaser
-  joyriding
-  judge-made law
-  judgement
-  juror
-  jury
-  juvenile courts
-  juvenlie delinquent
-  kangaroo court
-  keep in good order
-  key numbers/West Key Number System
-  kidnapping
-  kin/kinship
-  kiting/kiteflying
-  knowledge
-  landlord
-  laps
-  larceny
-  law
-  law enforcement
-  lawsuit
-  lawyer
-  leading question
-  lease
-  legacy
-  legal age
-  legal aid society
-  legal assistant
-  legal capacity to sue
-  letter of comfort
-  libel
-  lien
-  life estate
-  limitation
-  limitation period
-  litigant
-  litigation
-  loanshark
-  loitering
-  machination
-  magistrate
-  majority
-  make one whole
-  malfeasance
-  malice aforethought
-  merchantable
-  merits
-  military will
-  miranda rule
-  misadventure
-  mischief
-  misdelivery
-  misdemeanor
-  misfeasance
-  misjoinder
-  misnomer/misnomer rule
-  mistrial
-  molestation
-  monopoly
-  moot case
-  mortgage
-  motion
-  movant
-  move
-  named insured
-  narcotics
-  natural child
-  naturalization
-  naturalized citizen
-  natural law
-  natural law theory
-  natural person
-  negligence
-  negotiation
-  nemo est supra legis
-  net income
-  non proliferation treaty
-  not guilty
-  notice of motion
-  notice to quit
-  oath
-  object
-  objection
-  obligee
-  obligor
-  offender
-  offense
-  offer
-  offer of proof
-  oral argument
-  oral confession
-  order
-  ouster
-  outlawed
-  oyer
-  oyez
-  paralegal
-  payee
-  payer/payor
-  pension
-  per diem
-  perjury
-  permissive joinder
-  petitioner
-  philosophy of law
-  pimp
-  place of employment
-  plaintiff
-  pleading
-  pretrial detention
-  premises
-  prevail
-  price fixing
-  principal
-  private equity
-  private limited company by shares
-  promissory note
-  property
-  prosecution
-  prosecutor
-  protection racket
-  pro tempore
-  public limited company (plc)
-  punitive damages
-  quantum meruit
-  quantum valebant
-  quash
-  quasi contract
-  Queens bench/kings bench/Queens Bench Division of the High Court of Justice
-  query
-  question of fact
-  question of law
-  quia timet
-  quick
-  quickening
-  quid pro quo
-  quiet enjoyment
-  quorum
-  quotation
-  race
-  racketeering
-  raised check
-  ransom
-  rape
-  real property
-  reckless
-  redress
-  relatives
-  release
-  remainder
-  remand
-  remedy
-  removal
-  repossesion
-  resale
-  restraining order
-  retail sale
-  retain
-  retainer
-  reversion
-  sailor´s will
-  sale
-  salvage
-  satisfaction
-  seizure
-  setoff/set-off
-  sexual harassment
-  shareholder
-  slander
-  spouse
-  statute
-  statute of limitations
-  strike
-  sub judice
-  sublease
-  submit
-  subpoena
-  suicide
-  sui juris
-  surplus
-  tacit
-  tacking
-  tainted evidence
-  taking the fifth
-  tax
-  tax law
-  tenancy
-  tenant
-  the bloc
-  The law does not concern itself with trifles
-  tier
-  title (to land)
-  to be held in contempt of court
-  tort
-  trademark
-  trespass
-  trespass quare clausum fregit (trespass qu. cl. fr.)
-  trial
-  trial court
-  trier of fact
-  trust
-  ubi supra
-  ultimate facts
-  ultrahazardous activity
-  ultra vires
-  unavoidable accident
-  unclean hands
-  unconscionable
-  unconstitutional
-  underlease
-  under protest
-  underwrite
-  unfair competition
-  unfit
-  union
-  Universal Post Union (UPU)
-  unjust enrichment
-  usucaption/usucapion
-  vacancy
-  vacate
-  vagrancy
-  valuation
-  value
-  value added tax (vat)
-  vandalism
-  variance/fatal variance
-  vel non
-  venue
-  verdict
-  vertical price fixing
-  vitiate
-  void
-  void ab initio
-  void for vagueness
-  wager
-  waiting period
-  waiver
-  wanton
-  ward
-  wardship
-  warrant
-  waste
-  westlaw
-  white-collar crime
-  will
-  willfull
-  workers compensation acts statutes
-  writ
-  writ of execution
-  X
-  year and a day rule
-  yearly
-  yellow dog contract
-  yellow union
-  yield
-  youthful offenders
-  zip code
-  zone of employment
-  zoning
-  fauler Kredit/faule Forderung
-  Immobilienmakler
-  joint account
-  payer/payor