Gebiet: it.technikUnterebenen: ein234 Einträge - Abhören/Abhörschnittstelle - Active Server Pages (ASP) - Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) - Anonymizer - Apache - Archie - American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) - AtDomain/@Domains - Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) - Attachment - at/@ - Base 64 - Bluetooth - Basic Service Set Identifier (BSSID) - Common Gateway Interface (CGI) - clickstream/Click-Stream - Client - Client-Server-Prinzip - Cookies - Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) - Combat Zones That See (CTS) - Data Mining - Data Subscriber Line (DSL) - Datex-J - Deeplink/Deep-Link - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) - Dynamisches HTML (DHTML) - Dynamic Registration and Configuration Protocol (DRCP) - DSL - Dokumenttypdefinition (DTD) - dynamische IP - DynDNS - E.164 ITU-T - electronic Mail (eMail) - ENUM - Electronic Product Code (EPC) - HTTP Respond-/Error-Codes - Ethernet - Extranet - Filesharing/Abmahnung - finger - Flash - Frame/Frameset/Framing - ftp-Server - GIF-Format - Global Positioning System (GPS) - Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) - Gopher - Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) - Homepage - Html-Code verstecken - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) - i-mode - Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) - ICQ - IEEE 1394/Firewire - IEEE 802.11 - Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) - IMT-2000 - Intranet - IP Next Generation (IPNG) - IP-Nummer/IP-Adresse - Internet Protocol Ver. 9 (IPv9) - IRC - Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) - Java - Javascript - jpeg/jpg - Kazaa - konnektieren - Kybernetik - Lagebildinformationssystems (LABIS) - LAN - Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) - Link/Links - Linux - LoadLeveler - Logfiles - Light Weight Digital Rights Management (LWDRM) - MAC-Adresse - Metropolitan Area Exchange (MAE) - Mailbox - Mailingliste - Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) - Mehrländer-Staatsanwaltschaften-Automation (Mesta) - Metacrawler/Metasuchmaschine - metro - MIB - Microsoft Netzwerk/Fileshares - Mime - MIP - Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) - Modem - Mono - MP3/Ogg-Vorbis - MPLS - Nameserver - Network Access Point (NAP) - Napster - NAPTR - Network Adress Translation (NAT) - NetBIOS - Network Attached Storage (NAS) - Netzwerk - NIS - Niedersächsisches Vorgangbearbeitungs-, Analyse-, Dokumentations- undInformationssystem (Nivadis) - Node - Outline Processor Markup Language (OPLM) - OSI-Schichtenmodell - Physikalische Schicht/Physical Layer/Bitübertragungsschicht - Datensicherungsschicht/Data Link Layer - Vermittlungsschicht/Netzwerkschicht/Network Layer - Transportschicht/Transport Layer - Kommunikationsschicht/Kommunikationssteuerungsschicht/Session Layer - Darstellungsschicht/Presentation Layer - Anwendungsschicht/Application Layer - Web Ontology Language (OWL) - Pager - Paket - Password/wort - Personal Computer (PC) - Portable Document Format (PDF) - Peer to Peer/peer2peer (p2p) - Permalink - Pretty Good Privacy PGP - Extensible Markup Language (XML) - PHP-Nuke/PHPweblog/PHPSlash/Thatware/Sips/NewsPro/PostNuke - XML-Schema - Platform for Internet Content Selection (Pics) - Ping - Plugin - Portable Network Graphics (PNG)/Multiple-image Networks Graphics (MNG) - Podcasting - Point of Presence (POP) - Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) - Port - Portscan/Technik, Strafbarkeit - Plain Old Telephone System (POTS) - prefetching - private IP-Nummer/interne IP-Nummer - Probes - Proxy-Server/Proxy-Cache - Public Image Monitoring - Punycode-Standard/Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) - push/Push-Dienst/eMail-Push - R-Gespräch - Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) - Remote Access Service (RAS) - Resource Description Framework (RDF) - reactos - Redirektoren - Referer - Rights Expression Languages (REL) - Relay - Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) - Rich Client/Thin Client - Rich Site Summary (RSS) - Remote Monitoring (RMON) - Reverse MX (RMX) - Roaming - routen - Router - Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) - Saarbrücker Standard - scrollen - Server - Session-Id - Standardized General Markup Language (SGML) - SiteFinder - Smartphone - Short Message System (SMS) - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (smtp) - Sniffer/sniffing - Sniper/Bietagent - Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) - Software, Begriff - SSCLI - Subnet - SVG - Switch - TCL/TK - Transmission Controll Protocol (TCP) - Telnet - trivial file transfer protocol (tftp) - Thumbnail - TMSI - Netzwerktopologie - Trusted Platform Module (TPM) - traceroute - Trashtraffic - TCG Software Stack (TSS) - Time To Life/TTL - Twit-Filter - UMTS - Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) - Unix - Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) - Uniform Resource Locator (URL) - Universal Serial Bus (USB) 1.0/2.0 - Usenet - Usertracking - Veronica - Verzeichnisdienst - Vista - Voice over IP (VoIP) - VPN - VRML - WAIS - Warchalking - Webcam - Weblog/blog - Webmaster - WebOrganizer - Webportal - Webseite - Webserver - Web-Services - Website - Webspace-Provider - whois - Wi-Fi - Wiki - Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (Wimax) - Win 2000 - Windows 98/Windows 98 SE - Windows-Vista - Wireless Lan (WLAN) - Wohlgeformter HTML-Code - World Wide Web (WWW) - WSDL - WSI - eXtensible Open router Platform (XORP) - XSD - Zugriffsverfahren
Stand 2025-02-11
