Gebiet: sim.grundlagenUnterebenen: ein133 Einträge - Beleuchtung/Lights - Vr (Rotate Speed) - AFCS (Automatic Flight Control System) - alternator (Generator) - altitude encoder/Gillham-Code - AMSL (Above Mean Sea Level) - ANTI-ALIASING (Kantenglättung) - APU (Auxillary Power Unit) - APU bleed - ATIS (Automatic terminal information service) - ATRIM (Auto-Trim) - ATSU (Air Trafic Service Unit) - AI (attitude indicator) - Autopilot - Autorotation - Backcourse - Bambi Bucket - Bezugsdruck für die Altimetereinstellung (QNH) - bus tie - CDI (Course Deviation Indicator) - coaxial rotor - collective/cyclic - COM-Empfänger - CTD (Crash To Desktop) - CVR (Cockpit Voice Recorder) - cyclic trim/cyclic trim release - Digital Elevation Model (DEM) - Dewpoint/Taupunkt in Grad Celsius - discontinuities - DME (Distance Measuring Equipment - EFB (Electronic Flightbag) - Electric (ELEC) - Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)/ELT ACTIVE - Endanflug - EPU (External Power Unit) - extern lights (ext lt) - fadec (Full Authority Digital Engine Control) - ferry PilotIn - Feststellbremse (parking brake) - FIR (Flight Information Region) - Flarm (Eigenwort keine Abkürzung) - Flightlevel - Flugmanöver - Flugphasen - FMS (Flight Managment System) - FPM (Feet per Minit) - fuel slector - Funkfrequenzen/Unicom - Geschwindigkeitsmesser (Airspeed Indicator) - Gierschnur - Governor - Groundservices - gust/Böe - heading bug/speed bug - Höhenmesser/Altimeter - htaws (helicopte terrain awarness system) - Hubschrauberrotor - ICAO 24 Bit - IDG (Integrated Drive Generator) - IFR (Instrument Flight Rules) - Inertial Separator (inert sep) - Interstage Turbine Temperature (ITT) - KIAS (knots indicated airspeed) - knots/Knoten - knt (Knoten) - Konfiguration - knots true airspeed (KTAS) - Künstlicher Horizont (AI) - Light aircraft Vibration controll system (Lavcs) - leg - LOC (Localizer) - Luftraum/air space - mach (Schallgeschwindigkeit) - main gearbox (mgb) - manifold pressure/Ladedruck - mast bumping - MCDU (Multipurpose Controll Display Unit) - MFD (Multifunction Flight Display) - missed approach - Mmo (Maximum Mach Operating Speed) - N1, N2, TOT, TRQ - NAV-Empfänger - nm (nautische Meile/Seemeile) - Notfallprozeduren - NPS, CFD und Softbody-Simulation - OBS (Omni Bearing Selector) - PFD (Primary Flight Display) - Phraselogie Abflug, deutsch - POH (Pilots Operating Handbook) - Primer - Queranflug - Querruder - Recheneinheiten (knt/hpa/inch) - REIL (Runway End Identifier Lights) - RENDER-SCALING - REQUEST DESTINATION TO AIRPORT - rotor blade slap/slapping - rpm (rounds per minute) - Runway Turn Off Lights - S-Tec System 30 Autopilot - SA342 - Gazelle - SAS (Stability Augmentation System) - Seitenruder - Sichtflug/VFR - Sichtflug Abflug - Sichtflugwetterbedingungen - SID (Standard Instrument Departure) - Sinkflug - sixpack - STAR (Standard Terminal Arrival Route) - Steigflug - Steuerstangen - TACAN (Tactical Air Navigation System ) - Taumelscheibe - Terrain Avoidance and Warning System (TAWS) - TCAS (Traffic collision avoidance system) - TLOF (touchdown and lift of area)/FATO (final approach and taekoff area), Heliport - Tod (top of descent) - Transponder - true airspeed (tas) - UFCD (Up Front Control Display) - Uhrzeit im msfs - UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) - Variometer - Vc (cruise speed) - VFR (Visual Flight Rules) - Vmo (maximum operating speed) - VOR/ILS-Indikator/Course
Deviation Indicator - VR, Einstellungen/Performance - Vr (rotation speed) - Wendezeiger - Wind/Windgeschwindigkeiten - Yoke (= Steuerhorn)
Stand 2025-02-11
