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Gebiet: sim.grundlagen.abkuerzung

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29 Einträge

-  AMSL (Above Mean Sea Level)
-  APU (Auxillary Power Unit)
-  ATIS (Automatic terminal information service)
-  AI (attitude indicator)
-  CDI (Course Deviation Indicator)
-  DME (Distance Measuring Equipment
-  FIR (Flight Information Region)
-  FPM (Feet per Minit)
-  htaws (helicopte terrain awarness system)
-  IFR (Instrument Flight Rules)
-  Light aircraft Vibration controll system (Lavcs)
-  LOC (Localizer)
-  MCDU (Multipurpose Controll Display Unit)
-  MFD (Multifunction Flight Display)
-  OBS (Omni Bearing Selector)
-  PFD (Primary Flight Display)
-  POH (Pilots Operating Handbook)
-  REIL (Runway End Identifier Lights)
-  rpm (rounds per minute)
-  SAS (Stability Augmentation System)
-  SID (Standard Instrument Departure)
-  STAR (Standard Terminal Arrival Route)
-  Terrain Avoidance and Warning System (TAWS)
-  TCAS (Traffic collision avoidance system)
-  Tod (top of descent)
-  true airspeed (tas)
-  VFR (Visual Flight Rules)
-  Vmo (maximum operating speed)
-  Vr (rotation speed)